Online Marketing

Google AdWords vs Organic Traffic

By April 28, 2015 February 13th, 2017 No Comments

Organic traffic and AdWords traffic are two common ways to get more visitors to your site. While both methods can be beneficial to your business, from an internet marketer’s point of view they can accomplish different things.

Organic traffic is traffic driven to your website due to your search engine optimization efforts.

AdWords traffic is traffic you paid Google for. You set up an AdWords campaign with Google and they post your ad when certain terms are search. If someone clicks on your link, then Google charges you.

While both of these methods can great options to drive traffic, they both come with certain positives and negatives. Read below to find out the benefits of each method:

Adwords Pros and Cons

adwords pros and cons

AdWords Pros

Set Your Budget: AdWords allows user to set their exact budget. This means you will never spend more money on advertisements than you had hoped to.

Great For High Commercial Intent: If you are selling a product and looking for traffic with high commercial intent, AdWords is the way to go. Over two-thirds of people looking to buy prefer to click on a sponsored ad compared to an organic search result.

Fast Results: Your ads will start showing up immediately using AdWords. This will give a quick boost to traffic from the get-go.

Easy To Start: AdWords is quick and easy. You choose your keywords, develop your ads, and set your budget. Then you are done and your ads will be shown to some of Google’s 2 billion or so users.

AdWords Cons

Cost Money: The bad part about AdWords is they cost money. Using AdWords can begin to add up over time. You may end up spending a lot of money on AdWords if you desire to show up in searches for highly competitive keywords due to the bidding process.

Appears As An Ad: You ad will appear as an ad to Google users when using AdWords. This will lend no credibility to you in the sales process.

Want to see how TheSiteEdge can help with your AdWords management? Check out our PPC Services page!

Organic SEO Pros and Cons

organic seo

Organic SEO Pros

Cost Effective: SEO can be an affordable way to increase traffic. You don’t pay for links and traffic with SEO. You spend time developing great content and building relationships when you rely on organic traffic.

Long Term: An SEO strategy will last as long as your site is up. You do not pay for SEO. Google also takes into account how long your site has been active when ranking, so the longer you have been active the higher your rankings can be.

Great To Teach Someone: the best organic search traffic comes from people who want to learn something. They want to learn how to do something or when something happened.

Builds Trust & Credibility: When your site shows up in an organic search, you lend credibility to yourself. You are views as an expert on the topic matter and this helps you build trust with your visitors.

Organic SEO Cons

Takes Time: The worst thing about organic search traffic is that it takes time. You will not drive a boatload of traffic to your site instantly with SEO tactic like you can with AdWords.

No Guarantee: Another issue with organic traffic is there are no guarantees you will get more traffic. If your SEO strategy does not work, you may see no increase in traffic.

Difficult To Track: As SEO takes time and there is no guarantee of your success, you may not notice your sites traffic increase from SEO.

Want to see how we can help you increase your organic search engine rankings? Check out our SEO page!


The best strategy will depend on your business. Many internet marketers have found an optimized strategy using a mixture of AdWords and organic search traffic. Experiment and see what works best for your business.

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