Backing up your website is an often overlooked step in properly setting up your web presence. Yet, backing up your website is a necessary step to take if you value your site.
Just like computers, websites crash. You often hear of high profile companies involved in disastrous situations because they ignored the warning signs and did not fully back up their websites.
Websites are prone to a variety of issues that cannot be solved unless your site is properly backed up. Here are a few reasons you need to back up your site today:
Updates Cause Problems
Your WordPress site will have a number of features that will need updating, including: themes, plugins, software, and more. When these features need updating they typically promote extra features and increased security. Yet, many times these updates can do harm to your website. This is because updates do not always go as planned. A bad update can take your whole site offline in one click.
Hackers Are Mean
Hackers are all over the web. If you have a website online, there is a chance a hacker will target you. Your website could become compromised. While most hackers aim to steal sensitive information, they occasionally will do damage to your site just to cause trouble. If your site is not backed up, a hacker having some fun could ruin your whole operation.
Nobody Is Perfect
People make mistakes. This is human nature. When you or your employees are working on the website, there is a chance to click a wrong button or accidentally delete a file. One mistake could prove costly to the functionality of your site. By backing up your files, you eliminate the chance human error causes you too many problems.
Minimize Damage
One day you may log into your site and find an error page. By backing up your files, you simply guarantee the livelihood of your site. When a problem arises on your site and files are missing or changes are made, backing up your site allows you to quickly revert back to the original format. You may have to spend a few hours reloading the site, but you will avoid a catastrophe.
So You Want To Back Up Your Site…
If you decide the time is now and you are ready to back up your site, there are many quick ways to do so. A few of the best methods are:
• Install a backup plugin on your site.
• Check to see if your hosting service provides backup services.
• Have your web developer back up your site.
• Compress your files in a ZIP folder.
The best option for your site will depend on the size of your site and your budget. If you are unsure about the best way to back up your site, contact TheSiteEdge today!