Analysis Tools
Web analytics applications will give you the opportunity to view data in many different ways. There are usually several standard reports to choose from that will show you how many people are coming to your site, what they are clicking on, and if they are being converted into customers. You will also be able to customize reports if you are looking for specific data. Once you have built your custom report (usually takes a couple of minutes), all the information you are looking for will automatically be compiled in one spot.
Now instead of muddling through loads of web analytics information, you have immediate accessibility to everything you need. These reports are usually incredibly easy to share with management or co-workers. Being able to see real-time statistics about your site is a necessity these days. With apps like Google Analytics, you can see if the new content on your website is popular, if the promotion that began this morning is actually bringing traffic to your site, and you can gauge the instant effects of blog posts and tweets.
Content Web Analytics
The content on your website is what will separate you from the rest of the pack. In order to fully understand what content is gaining you visitors and what content needs some serious revising, you will need a tool to analyze it. Find out what pages are popular, where your hidden gems are, and which pages are duds!
In order to do this, you need to know how often each page gets visited, how long they stay, and if the visitors are converted into customers. When a visitor cannot find something on your site, they will use the search function to find it — why not track what they are searching for so that you can add it to your website? Understanding how your visitors are flowing throughout your site is crucial to its success.
Social Web Analytics
Now more than ever, every business must utilize the various different social media platforms. The internet is a very social place, and your web analytics program needs to measure how successful your campaigns are in the social media world. Keep track of how many people are sharing your pages and blog posts with their networks, where they are sharing it, and which social networks are sending business to your site.
Mobile Web Analytics
People have their phones with them all day, every day. And they are always surfing the web on them. Use mobile web analytics to understand if your customers are more engaged and more likely to buy depending on whether they are on their phone or at their computer. This will allow you to understand if you need to change anything up on the mobile end or if your advertising efforts are just not working on either type of device.
Conversion Web Analytics
See who is buying, downloading, playing videos, or doing many other actions that would be valuable for you to know about. Figure out some visitors make purchases and others do not. Set goals and measure whether or not you are meeting them. If you don’t meet your goals, at least this gives you the means to adapt and improve. Web analytics will help you to determine your true ROI (Return on Investment).