Ok friends, it’s time to say sayonara to 2017 and welcome 2018 with open arms: it’s gonna be a big year! To get you started on the right foot, we put together a short checklist of SEO-related action items you can start working on posthaste, because we think doing some SEO housekeeping is a great way to start the new…
Yesterday, the FCC voted on a proposal to repeal Obama-era net neutrality laws. Net neutrality is the the radical (not actually radical) notion that internet service should be considered a public utility. Like, say, water. Makes sense, right? The proposal passed by a vote of 3-2 as expected, because party lines. (Briefly: the Trump admin and FCC chair Ajit Pai…
Yesterday, FCC chair Ajit Pai released a proposal to repeal Obama-era net neutrality regulations. The repeal is expected to come to a vote on Dec. 14th, and Pai’s proposal is comfortably positioned for approval. If approved, the proposal would release internet service providers from government sanctioned regulations. So what does all that mean, anyway? In a nutshell, net neutrality rules…